ZUSAS Zentrum für USA-Studien der Martin-Luther-Universität Halle-Wittenberg
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"American Culture(s)"—American Studies Committee Meeting 2012

November 22–24, 2012, Center for United States Studies
Lutherstadt Wittenberg, Leucorea Foundation

mehr Program


The annual American Studies Committee Meeting was held at a great venue in Wittenberg. Surrounded by the spirit of Reformation, the Leucorea provided a very inspiring atmosphere for our gathering. This year's emphasis was put on issues of 'American culture(s).'
I especially enjoyed the ideal combination of lectures held by American and German scholars on specific American aspects, such as changes in the literary culture or the influence of migration on American culture, and of the workshops, most of them including a lot of hands-on tasks that could also be implemented in the classroom. This blend of new theoretical input and pedagogy not only provided an interesting basis for general discussions on what has shaped American culture but it also made this conference a great resource for my own work.
And this being the Thanksgiving weekend, of course everything was topped off with a mouth-watering turkey dinner and various opportunities to socialize in the evenings.
In the final feedback after the sessions, it became obvious that the variety of aspects included in the program as well as the excellent preparation and organization were greatly appreciated by all participants and have made this year's meeting a very beneficial event again.
What a valuable intercultural experience—I am already looking forward to next year's program!

Susanne Hager, Pascual Moderegger


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