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American Studies  
in Halle
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Continuing Education Program (Summer/Fall 2009)

August 19, 2009, 15:30–18:00
Halle (Saale), Dachritzstraße 12, R 215
“American Jewish History and Culture”
Anton Hieke, M.A.
Seminar for secondary school teachers, course no. WT 2009-032-17 LISA*

The United States of America is home to the second largest Jewish community on the globe with some six million individuals. Jewish American history includes Jewish life in various regions. As a result, we find in American history the Jewish Southern slaveholder, Western cowboy, Northern mobster, and New Yorker/ California movie- and musical-maker but also the Jewish governor, senator and secretary of state and war. This lecture is designed to offer an introduction into the rich Jewish American life of past and present.

September 23, 2009, 15:30–18:00
Halle (Saale), Dachritzstraße 12, R 215
“The Plantation South and the Civil War in Contemporary Diaries”
Dipl.-Angl. Anke Hildebrandt-Mirtschink
Seminar for secondary school teachers, course no. WT 2009-032-18 LISA*

The lecture is intended to offer an insight into the everyday life, both black and white, in the southern United States during slavery and the Civil War. We will focus on plantations and explore the realities behind popular stereotypes like the "Southern Belle". Southern girls' and women's diaries provide authentic and vivid accounts of these times. Moreover, they served as trustworthy friends with whom the women shared their most intimate thoughts on subjects including love, womanhood, and slavery. We will discuss how these diaries can be used in the classroom.

November 11, 2009, 15:30–18:00
Halle (Saale), Melanchtonianum, Hörsaal E (Universitätsplatz 8/9)
“Native Americans in the 21st Century”
Dipl.-Angl. Carsten Hummel
Seminar for secondary school teachers, course no. WT 2009-032-19 LISA*

While the public perception of Native Americans of the past is still dominated by the image of the “noble savage,” modern Native America is strongly associated with the life on reservation, poverty, desolation, gambling, and alcoholism. Based on current statistical data, this lecture deals with popular generalizations and misconceptions and provides a survey of recent developments. In a second part, we will discuss how resources from the Internet can be used to explore tribal life and Native American youth culture.

* Die Veranstaltung wird als Ergänzungsangebot gemäß RdErl. des Kultusministeriums vom 6.12.2001 (SVBl. LSA S. 59) / wiederinkraftgesetzt mit RdErl. des MK vom 21.11.2006 anerkannt.

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